This handy guide of eleven Sikhism dos and don’ts provides the basic premise for Sikh living at a glance. Of course Sikhism is much more than the sum of its dos and don’ts, however understanding the process entailed in Sikh living is important to attaining and maintaining Sikh standards of conduct.
The Sikh way of life is meant to facilitate conquering the self oriented ego as a means of achieving grace and enlightenment. These eleven Sikhism dos include basic principles of Sikh ideals, essentials of Sikh living and the foundation of Sikhism’s code of conduct necessary to Sikh living according to the guru's teachings

Things that you must DO: 

  1. Respect the equal rights of all regardless of rank, gender, caste, class, color, or creed.
  2. Share with others, especially those in need.
  3. Perform altruistic service for humanity.
  4. Earn income by honest employment.
  5. Come to the aid of the defenseless.
  6. Keep all hair intact and unaltered.
  7. Meditate and read or recite daily prayers.
  8. Worship and recognize one divine light manifest in all.
  9. Regard any other than one’s spouse as brothers or sisters.
  10. Become initiated as Khalsa  and wear the five articles of faith.
  11. Follow ideals of the ten gurus, accepting the perpetual guidance of Sikhism's scripture the Guru Granth. 

The goal of Sikhism is to subdue and overcome the effects of ego which foster duality and work to keep one from realizing enlightenment and union with the divine. These eleven Sikhism don'ts outline means of avoiding falling into the trap of egocentric living.

Things that you SHOULD NOT DO:

  1. Deify human being
  2. Pray to demigods or deities
  3. Observe caste or gender inequality
  4. Give credence to auspicious dates, horoscopes, or astrology
  5. Be involved with illegal activities or dishonorable associates
  6. Cut or otherwise alter the hair of the head, face and body
  7. Engage in premarital or extramarital intimacies
  8. Eat the meat of sacrificial animals
  9. Practice superstitious rituals
  10. Smoke or use intoxicants
  11. Worship idols.